On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Steven D. Majewski <sd...@virginia.edu>wrote:

> On Sep 23, 2009, at 2:36 PM, Robby Pelssers wrote:
>  So if I understand you correctly you have one block depending on the
>> other?
>> Did you also add the dependency of myblock2 in the pom.xml of myblock1?
> Yes. ( And if I take that dependency out, it runs without complaint. )

I'm guessing that is happening by accident.  If you run "mvn clean" it'll
stop working.

The reason is that Cocoon extracts blocks into a "work" directory when it
starts up.  When you run through maven with "jetty:run", that's in
target/work.  "mvn clean" removes the target/ directory, so it'll probably
stop it from working.


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