We've recently upgraded our Cocoon 2.1 based web app from Tomcat 4 to
Tomcat 6.  Our sitemaps were written with a somewhat invalid matchers which
worked in Tomcat 4:

For example:

<map:match pattern="/basicthing">

Tomcat 6 more adequately adheres to the HTTP URL spec and appends a
trailing slash.  Of course, the trailing slash breaks the matcher above.
The following matcher would work in Tomcat 6 but breaks all of the matchers
for Tomcat 4:

<map:match pattern="/basicthing/">

To avoid duplication, I've written a matcher to catch this case to avoid
duplicating matchers:

<map:match pattern="*/">
    <map:redirect-to uri="cocoon:/{1}"/>

While this works for the basic case, it is not recursive, and as soon as a
url pattern goes past basic thing (/basicthing/morethings/), I need another
matcher to catch this case ("*/*/").

Is there a way to create a recursive matcher in cocoon to catch multiple
slashes and end at a trailing slash?  I'm thinking something like:

<map:match pattern="**/">
    <map:redirect-to uri="cocoon:/{1}"/>

Would that work?

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