Hi Thorsten

Yes, I supposed you tell me. I developed a new generator very similar to WebServiceProxyGenerator of the block cocoon-proxy for to consume Rest service, but I needed three modifications: * the new generator have to be a cache component (WebServiceProxyGenerator not implement CacheableProcessingComponent) * Use Apache HttpComponents 4.2 (WebServiceProxyGenerator use Commons HttpClient 3.x and this version have bugs about release connections) * Use a pool connections (WebServiceProxyGenerator not use pool to manage connections and this can be a important improve to performance)

I developed a new class to manage pool and declared it using spring, it is seems the easy best way. Besides if I declared the new generator using spring will be very easy to add the pool resource.

I had readed that Cocoon 2.2 can use spring to declare objects and I found examples with transformer, so I followed the web page: https://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/core-modules/core/2.2/688_1_1.html

The new generator seems work ok, but I checked that it not called to recycle method at finished and then, not release connection to pool.

At the end, I had have to added ApplicationContextAware interface to my generator to access resource pool declared in spring, and this is working fine. Still I have to do some test with apache jmeter to check performance but first impressions are good.

Best regards.

El 05/02/2014 14:43, Thorsten Scherler escribió:
On 02/05/2014 11:22 AM, Miguel wrote:

I have to come back to old configuration of generator:

<map:generator label="icmsRest" name="icmsRest" logger="es.juntadeandalucia.generation.CustomGenerator"

Then, HttpPoolManager is a resource defined like spring bean and for to use it in my custom generator, I have to implement ApplicationContextAware interface. So, in this way, my generator work fine and recycle method is called at finish of my generator.

Hi Miguel,

not sure whether I understand, you have it working now?

I think the recyle method is special to avalon and I think spring based components do not use this method anymore. Using the "old" config tricks c2.2 into using the avalon methods...at least that is what its look like.


El 04/02/2014 16:52, Miguel escribió:

I'm migrating configuration custom generator from Avalon to Spring and generator is working well but I have checked that generator does not call recycled method when it has finished.

My generator configuration in servlet-service.xml file is:

<bean scope="prototype" name="org.apache.cocoon.generation.Generator/customGenerator" class="es.juntadeandalucia.generation.CustomGenerator">
      <property name="server" value="${ip.machine}" />
      <property name="port" value="${port_machine}" />
<property name="parser" ref="org.apache.cocoon.core.xml.SAXParser"/> <property name="manager" ref="org.apache.avalon.framework.service.DefaultServiceManager" />

When I used old configuration:

<map:generator label="customGenerator" name="customGenerator"

then, my generator work all well and execute recycle method when generator is finished.

Any ideas?

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Thorsten Scherler <scherler.at.gmail.com>
codeBusters S.L. - web based systems
<consulting, training and solutions>


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