Hello and thanks for the response.

Maybe i'm wrong, but I think there's an error in this spec


The only example with "sp:InitiatorEncryptionToken" says in the comment

"Lines (P002) – (P035) contain the AsymmetricBinding assertion which
indicates that the recipient’s token must be used for both message signature
and encryption."

But we know from this spec 


that sp:InitiatorEncryptionToken is used for encryption from receipient to
initiator. Not from intitiator to receipient, as it is implied in the first
spec above and seen in the concrete example just bellow that line:

Lines (M009) – (M014) hold a KeyIdentifier of the recipient’s token used to
encrypt the UsernameToken as required by the AsymmetricBinding assertion.
Because the InitiatorEncryptionAssertion disallowed the token from being
inserted into the message, a KeyIdentifier is used instead of a reference to
an included token.



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