No thoughts on this one?  I'd like to keep my implementation very "vanilla"
with respect to the JAX-RS spec, but I am using CXF as my JAX-RS
implementation during testing.  I just want to make sure I'm not doing any
unnecessary CXF-specific work-arounds in my code.  If we were to "fix" it,
though, it might introduce a change in behavior and that's not good

On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 8:49 AM James Carman <>

> I think I misspoke here.  Even if I set the header split property, the
> ContainerRequestContext.getHeaders() still returns concatenated values, but
> if I use a @Context annotation to inject HttpHeaders, I can get back the
> header values individually (not concatenated).  If I take away the header
> split property, then HttpHeaders starts returning concatenated headers.  I
> probably should have said so in my original email, but I'm using CXF
> v3.2.6.
> On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 8:35 AM James Carman <>
> wrote:
>> I found a thread about this topic from 2015, but it seems to be talking
>> about client-side:
>> I'm writing a CorsFilter and I need to get the list of
>> Access-Control-Request-Headers to evaluate them.  If I do this:
>> JAXRSServerFactoryBean factory = new JAXRSServerFactoryBean();
>> factory.getProperties(true).put("org.apache.cxf.http.header.split", true);
>> then everything works fine.  However, it seems odd (even after reading
>> the referred javadocs) that the expected behavior would be concatenated
>> values.  The return type is MultivaluedMap<String,String>.  If the intent
>> was that there would always be only one "value" in the map for each key,
>> then why would they say to return a MultivaluedMap<String,String>?  Perhaps
>> this is a problem with the spec or something, but I can't really see in the
>> spec where it specifically says to return the values this way.  It does
>> have a @see pointing to the getHeaderString(String), where it does say
>> they'd be concatenated.  I'm sure I'm missing something here.  Thoughts?
>> Thanks,
>> James

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