As Freeman stated, the “API” classes are being removed from the JDK, but that 
does not mean they are deprecated or disabled or anything like that.   It just 
means that if we need to use them, we need to add explicit dependencies into 
our POM’s and pretty much treat them like any other API (like slf4j or jax-rs 
or pretty much anything).   That’s not a big deal.


> On Sep 11, 2018, at 2:48 AM, pavan challa <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Given that the "java.xml.bind" & "" modules have been marked for
> removal from Java 9, should we treat it as end of life for XML Webservices.
> How Apache CXF is going to support JAX-WS front end in it's future
> versions? Do we have an alternative? Is RESTFul the only way going forward?
> Apologies if this has been discussed on this forum earlier. I would really
> appreciate if any of you can provide an archive link of that thread.
> Appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.
> Thanks & Regards,
> -Pavan

Daniel Kulp <> - 
Talend Community Coder - <>

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