I'm struggling with outofmemory exception when using the following:

public Response upload( String token, File file ) {
    FsDepot fsDepot = getApi();
    Attachment attachment = new AttachmentBuilder()
        .mediaType( "application/gzip" )
        .contentDisposition( new ContentDisposition( "form-data;
name=\"data\" ; filename=\"" + file.getName() + "\"" ) )
        .object( file )

    Attachment tokenAttachment = new AttachmentBuilder()
        .object( token )
        .contentDisposition( new ContentDisposition( "form-data;
name=\"token\"" ) )
        .mediaType( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN )

    MultipartBody multipartBody = new MultipartBody( Arrays.asList(
attachment, tokenAttachment ) );

    return fsDepot.upload( multipartBody.getAllAttachments() );

protected <T> T getApi( Class<T> clazz, int timeoutInSeconds, URL
apiBaseAddress, boolean verbose ) {
    List providers = Arrays.asList( new MultipartProvider(), new
FormEncodingProvider<>() );

    LoggingFeature loggingFeature = new LoggingFeature(null, null,
64000, false, false);
    T t = JAXRSClientFactory.create( apiBaseAddress.toExternalForm(),
clazz, providers, verbose ?
            Collections.singletonList( loggingFeature ):
            null );
    ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = WebClient.getConfig( t );

    HTTPConduit httpConduit = clientConfiguration.getHttpConduit();
    TLSClientParameters tlsClientParameters = new TLSClientParameters();
    tlsClientParameters.setDisableCNCheck( true );
    tlsClientParameters.setTrustManagers( new TrustManager[]{new
    httpConduit.setTlsClientParameters( tlsClientParameters );
    HTTPClientPolicy httpClientPolicy = httpConduit.getClient();

    httpClientPolicy.setAllowChunking( false );
    httpClientPolicy.setConnection( ConnectionType.KEEP_ALIVE );
    httpClientPolicy.setConnectionTimeout( TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis( 2 ) );
    //have higher timeout on network than towards ADCM
    httpClientPolicy.setReceiveTimeout( TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(
timeoutInSeconds + 10 ) );
    httpClientPolicy.setAutoRedirect( false );
    httpConduit.setClient( httpClientPolicy );

    return t;

David J. M. Karlsen - http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidkarlsen

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