Thanks for the pointer.

Looks like I have to do my own JAXRSServerFactoryBean.

Looks like the objects coming out of this factory are immutable because I 
cannot find a way to configure a Server(of serviceClass) __after__ it has been 
created by web.xml parsing. All the options are on the factory and not at the 
serviceClass server object.

Again thanks for the quick reply.


On 11/21/18 3:47 PM, James Carman wrote:
It is indeed possible:

This should give you enough inspiration for what you're trying to do.
On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 8:39 AM Vassilis Virvilis
<> wrote:


I am not using Spring

I am interested in manually configuring individual serviceClasses (i.e. for 
adding Providers per serviceClass).

This is possible with spring but looks impossible without spring.

Is there a way to do it?

I tried to access the Endpoints/ServiceClasses after they have been loaded as 
specified in web.xml but failed.

Do I need to launch my own JaxRsFactoryBean?


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