I am using ldaps (on port 10636) support and followed the instruction (
http://directory.apache.org/apacheds/basic-ug/3.3-enabling-ssl.html) to
create a keystore and was able to successfully connect to the LDAP server
with ldaps.

However, when I am using ldp.exe to connect to my ldaps server, I end up

ld = ldap_sslinit("", 10636, 1);
Error 0 = ldap_set_option(hLdap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
Error 81 = ldap_connect(hLdap, NULL);
Server error: <empty>
Error <0x51>: Fail to connect to

Yes, the certificate is not verified.

How do I create/verify a self-signed certificate. All I have now is the
keystore file "keyfile.ks"
How do I generate the certificate so that I will be able to connect via

Can someone point me to the correct documentation?

Ashwin kumar

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