Totally understood. GIT may be a better solution for the client side, if you
wanted to plug in an existing embedded client. I think what the server needs
is a two stage process - one for committing the schema changes, the other
for telling the server to "activate" a specific schema (head, some branch
tag, etc). The server would evaluate/preprocess the new schema, and if the
server doesn't like the schema provided, e.g. due to a data integrity issue,
it would just fail then.

Agreed, a lot of work!


-----Original Message-----
From: Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot [] On Behalf Of
Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 3:05 AM
Subject: Re: DS schema export & import

We actually have a bit of that already (hidden and deactivated).

Rather than having to generate a LDIF to send the schema back to the server,
we (almost) had a working "prototype" that could commit modifications done
on the server to the schema.

We had a nice UI where you could review all modifications done to the schema
(modifications on an OC/AT, addition of OC/AT, etc) but the hardest part is
pushing the schema to the server which is far from trivial.

Editing the schema of a directory server is very sensitive, especially if
you already have data using this schema. You could end up with data that
doesn't respect the new schema in the end.

At the time we wrote the "commit" functionality, our biggest problem was
that ApacheDS didn't allowed us (and it's still the case actually) to push
the schema as a whole. So, we had to send modifications in a particular
order, which can be quite complicated depending on the schema hierarchy.
So, in the end, we had to deactivate that part, but it's still there,
waiting to be fixed/completed.

I like the idea of schema versioning. It could even take place on the client
side than the server side which would allow it to spread across multiple
types of servers, not only ApacheDS.
But there's really a good amount of work to accomplish this.


On 31 juil. 2013, at 01:51, Richard Sand <> wrote:

> Ok thanks Pierre-Arnaud! What do you think about the idea of embedding 
> a scm system like git or svn into the server to enable synchronization 
> and versioning of schema changes from the schema editor?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot [] On Behalf Of 
> Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot
> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 6:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: DS schema export & import
> Hi Richard,
> Yes, I confirm it's the only option at the moment.
> Regards,
> Pierre-Arnaud
> On 30 juil. 2013, at 23:42, Richard Sand <> wrote:
>> Hi all - quick question, in the Schema Editor, after creating a 
>> schema project and importing from a live ApacheDS server - is there a 
>> way to re-import/re-load/refresh that schema from the server? Right 
>> now I'm just deleting the schema project and creating a new one each 
>> time. Is a way to do the scm equivalent of "update to latest from 
>> server" that I'm just not seeing?
>> Thanks!
>> -Richard

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