Hi Dikshant,

Summarizing the contents from earlier mails below

1. Issue-1 shared with PDUMP not working with testpmd - solution shared and 
suggested what needs to be added to fix the same.

2. Issue-2 shared for custom Makefile for application not working - pointed out 
possible cause and missing order of libraries in CFLAGS and LDFLAGS. Suggested 
to use an existing working DPDK/example content for custom Makefile. 

Please note I do not have the project or Makefile for use case to try it 
locally, hence please try

5. Unable to find `-Wl,-lpcap` passed for `-Wl,-lrte_pmd_pcap -Wl,-lrte_pdump`

Hint: I normally take up sample like example/l2fwd and work towards to removing 
unwanted libraries while keeping the content and format intact for my custom 


> Hi Vipin,
> Here is full log with include option and build with make -n option from master
> makefile as well:
> make[2]: Entering directory
> `/mnt/data/dchitkara/PHY5G/Prototype/NR_5G_SIM/Tests/COMMON/PACKE
> echo ./packet_generator.cc  -msse4.1  -I../../../COMMON/Sys_API/Math_API/  -
> I../../../COMMON/Sys_API/Math_API/  -
> I../../../COMMON/Sys_API/Module_API/    -
> I../../../COMMON/Sys_API/common_intel/
> echo packet_generator.o
> test -d  || mkdir -p
> g++  -msse4.1  -I../../../COMMON/Sys_API/Math_API/  -
> I../../../COMMON/Sys_API/Math_API/  -
> I../../../COMMON/Sys_API/Module_API -I./ -
> DTIME_DATE=\"DATE:29/07/20_TIME:09:57:19\" -
> I/mnt/data/dchitkara/DPDK_2020_01_30_x86/x86_64-native-linux-icc/include
> -I -DAS_INFRA_NULL=0 -DEMULATOR_MODE  -DINTEL -std=c++11  -D_4x4_ -O3
> -g -DDEBUG   -fPIC -c ./packet_generator.cc
> echo
> /usr/local/include:/opt/intel/system_studio_2019/compilers_and_libraries_20
> 19.2.187/linux/pstl/include:/opt/intel/system_studio_2019/compilers_and_lib
> raries_2019.2.187/linux/tbb/include:/opt/intel/system_studio_2019/compiler
> s_and_libraries_2019.2.187/linux/tbb/include:/opt/intel/system_studio_2019
> /compilers_and_libraries_2019.2.187/linux/ipp/include:/opt/intel/system_stu
> dio_2019/compilers_and_libraries_2019.2.187/linux/mkl/include:/opt/intel/s
> ystem_studio_2019/compilers_and_libraries_2019.2.187/linux/ipp/include:/o
> pt/intel/system_studio_2019/compilers_and_libraries_2019.2.187/linux/mkl/i
> nclude:/opt/intel/system_studio_2019/compilers_and_libraries_2019.2.187/li
> nux/pstl/include:/opt/intel/system_studio_2019/compilers_and_libraries_201
> 9.2.187/linux/tbb/include:/opt/intel/system_studio_2019/compilers_and_libr
> aries_2019.2.187/linux/tbb/include:/opt/intel/system_studio_2019/compilers
> _and_libraries_2019.2.187/linux/daal/include
> echo packet_generator.o
> test -d ../../../COMMON/../bin || mkdir -p ../../../COMMON/../bin
> g++ -shared -Wl,--export-dynamic packet_generator.o
> g++ -L/mnt/data/dchitkara/DPDK_2020_01_30_x86/x86_64-native-linux-icc/li
> g++ b -Wl,--whole-archive -Wl,-lrte_mempool_ring -Wl,-lrte_member
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_eventdev -Wl,-lpcap -Wl,-lrte_pmd_pcap -Wl,-lrte_pdump
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_bus_vmbus -Wl,-lrte_pci -Wl,-lrte_bus_pci
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_bus_vdev -Wl,-lrte_net -Wl,-lrte_distributor
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_reorder -Wl,-lrte_kni -Wl,-lrte_pipeline -Wl,-lrte_table
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_port -Wl,-lrte_timer -Wl,-lrte_hash -Wl,-lrte_jobstats
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_lpm -Wl,-lrte_power -Wl,-lrte_acl -Wl,-lrte_meter
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_sched -Wl,-lm -Wl,-lrt -Wl,-lrte_vhost -Wl,--start-group
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_kvargs -Wl,-lrte_mbuf -Wl,-lrte_ip_frag -Wl,-lrte_ethdev
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_cryptodev -Wl,-lrte_mempool -Wl,-lrte_ring -Wl,-lrte_eal
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_cmdline -Wl,-lrte_cfgfile -Wl,-lrte_pmd_bond
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_pmd_vmxnet3_uio -Wl,-lrte_pmd_virtio -Wl,-lrte_pmd_cxgbe
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_pmd_enic -Wl,-lrte_pmd_i40e -Wl,-lrte_pmd_fm10k
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_pmd_ixgbe -Wl,-lrte_pmd_e1000 -Wl,-lrte_pmd_ring
> g++ -Wl,-lrte_pmd_af_packet -Wl,-lrte_pmd_null -Wl,-lrt -Wl,-lm -Wl,-ldl
> g++ -Wl,--end-group -Wl,--no-whole-archive  -o
> g++ ../../../COMMON/../bin/PACKET_GENERATOR_TEST_MOD.so
> make[2]: Leaving directory
> `/mnt/data/dchitkara/PHY5G/Prototype/NR_5G_SIM/Tests/COMMON/PACKE
> Please have a note that module we are running is just one part of our CPP
> project treated as a separate test module.

> Hi Dikshant,
> Looks like the custom Makefile log is quite different in passing DPDK CFLAGS
> and LDFLAGS. Also here are couple of surprises for me
> 1. Unable to find `make -n` logs
> 2. presence of g++ is present in each line
> 3. unable to find include option
> 4. request was to run `make -n` and cross the relevant libraries are bound
> within the `-Wl,--whole-archive` and `-Wl,--no-whole-archive `.
> 5. Unable to find `-Wl,-lpcap` passed for `-Wl,-lrte_pmd_pcap -Wl,-
> lrte_pdump`
> Hint: I normally take up sample like example/l2fwd and work towards to
> removing unwanted libraries while keeping the content and format intact for
> my custom makefile.

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