Todor Boev wrote:
> Richard S. Hall wrote:
>> Yes. iPOJO is of the philosophy that service departures will likely lead
>> to errors, so you are better off being prepared to catch them and fail
>> gracefully, sort of like errors in distributed computing. Even if you
>> hold a dedicated lock, there is no guarantee that calling a method on
>> the service object won't throw an exception. Locks don't stop the
>> service from going away (think bluetooth device), in some cases if it
>> goes away it is gone, period.

Ah..I get it! You mean we should not bother to block the unexport of the service
when the framework calls into our ServiceListener because that won't keep the
service functional until our last calls to it return. Come to think of a service
can throw an exception due to a missing transitive dependency anyway. Seems I am
still not completely free from that "safe" mentality :P

Seems in the end we should count on the service exporter to toss exceptions at
us rather than do random nastiness out of a partially destroyed service.


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