Hello Linus,

Did you manage to solve your problem after upgrading to 3.2.2?

On 28/03/11 11:30, Linus Paulsson wrote:
1. I start a blank text document.
2. I insert a textField (textField A).
--- There is no problem selecting and deselecting textField A.
3. I import page style from another document.
4. I apply the imported page style to the (only) page.
--- There is still no problem selecting and deselecting textField A.
5. I insert a new textField (textField B).
--- There is still no problem selecting and deselecting textField A.
--- TextField B on the other hand is not selectable.

LibreOffice 3.3.1
OOO330m19 (Build:8)
tag libreoffice-, Ubuntu package 1:3.3.1-1ubuntu3~maverick

I tried to reproduce it on

LibreOffice 3.3.2
OOO330m19 (Build:202)
tag libreoffice-

...on Ubuntu 10.4.

I didn't know what you meant by textField. I thought you meant a Frame, since you didn't specify what kind of Field you used, which made me think you weren't talking about Fields (unless you just meant any old Field, I guess, but then your example still wouldn't really make sense).

Anyway, I couldn't reproduce the problem with Frames in 3.2.2. Please let us know if you've got sorted out yet.



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