A little while back, during one of the installs of LO on my Ubuntu 10.04 system, for some reason the .odt file extension/mime was transfered to Okular. I do not remember when this happened, but it must have been when I removed LO from my system to install the next line.

The wonder I have is why .odt did not go back to using LO as its default package.

Got any ideas why that would happen? Why all the other ODF extension would default to LO and .odt staying with Ukular?

I have changed this so LO is the default, but why did LO not make .odt one if its extensions/mimes?

Actually, I think it happened when I went to 3.5.4 from 3.4.6. I do not remember it being that way before that, but my memory is a little off right now.

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