This was a long running discussion before the change was made. Off hand, I would say that the sides were roughly split and, as with many things with LO, many of the people seemed to have pretty strong opinions.

I expect that in the grand scheme of things, we won't see any serious problems regardless. For example:

If a person, not knowing better, responds to a single individual rather than the list, it is annoying to the person receiving the reply. Worst case, fewer people respond because they don't want to be bothered with direct replies. I frequently receive direct replies regardless.

If a person sends a response with private data to the list.... That happens occasionally, not as often, but sometimes.

On 08/13/2012 09:39 PM, anne-ology wrote:
        ... will decrease users by making it even more cumbersome to find
help for LO;
                is that LO's mission???

        It's next to impossible now to go to your website and find any place
to ask for help ... therefore, folks will continue to use the MSFT products
even if they are continually hacked simply because that's what's built into
the machines.

        The best computer software programs are those designed by
individuals who care about what they are doing, caring enough to make a
quality product then sharing this with others - many are free for the
individual user.  Yet there still are many who think that free means poor
quality so they stick with the expensive and hacked MSFT products.

        This resembles the downfall of volunteerism - a volunteer
accomplishes more because he cares about what he's doing, but for the past
few decades, many volunteers have been replaced by paid workers who don't
have the same care so are not as efficient.

        I ask you, just what is your mission with LO???

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 8:07 PM, Girvin R. Herr

That's sort of what I do.  I think I discovered the secret.  In this group
now, it appears when someone "Reply-All"s to a posting, The "To:" comes
from the "From:" posting header entry, which is the poster's address and
not practical to filter on in this case.  However, the group address ( is inserted into the "Cc:" field.  So,
tried using "" in both the "Cc:" filter field
as well as the "To:" filter field.  I don't know what side-effects this
will generate in the long run, but it seems to be working for me so far.  I
never filter on "Subject:" unless there is some constant in there to grab
onto and it is the only option.  Another poster above suggested filtering
on the "[libreoffice-users]" in the subject field.  That should work, but I
don't trust it to stay constant.  However, that is an option.
Girvin Herr

Andrew Pitonyak
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