On 02/11/2013 12:30 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
When you get to the s in desktop-integration try pressing the tab key and watch 
the rest of the line get put in for you ;)

I agree with Marc and feel compelled to point out that normally installing stuff is 
much easier on Gnu&Linux, and safer.  It's because we are all trying to do 
something unusual, something that we wouldn't normally do, that it's getting 

Normally i wouldn't even have to download anything from a website using a web-browser or visit 
sites i could never entirely be certain of or trust friends or a shop that might not know 
everything to watch out for.  Normally i just open my "Package Manager" instead of a 
web-browser.  Then i tell it roughly what i want.  Even if i don't know a name it gives a bunch of 
choices.  I click on one or more of the choices and click the "Install" button.  From 
then on the package manager looks after updating it for me and making sure it doesn't break or get 
corrupted or anything.  It just does the whole job of downloading, installing and updating.

Regards from
Tom :)


This is the Microsoft/Apple/Ubuntu attitude. If you want a nanny, use one of those. What do you do when you need something that's NOT in your repo? LightScribe, frinstance? You'd better learn how to use either rpm or deb, whichever your system uses, or you will be smothered by those four walls you have allowed some distro to erect around you!


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