Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

I do not know about that printer anymore. It has been a while since I had a "laser 4". But, my HP 2300dn has 48 MG of memory and sometimes the graphics/document gives me and "not enough memory" type of error. Do you have the ability to add more memory?

You are printing envelopes, right?

Are you using the
Format > Page > Paper - Format > DL envelope

and then deal with it from there?

I would format the page to the envelope I wanted instead of doing it on the printer side of the process.

Also, there may be something in your profile that might be causing some issues with the printer. This has happened to be from time to time with LO and the OOo before that.

I use Ubuntu 12.04 with MATE desktop environment.
printers - in use:  HP Laserjet 2300dn, HP inkjet 7000, Canon MG6220
printers "on the shelf" - Epson Artisan 810, several HP inkjets, plus 2 DELL inkjets. use to have HP 2600 color laser and a HP Laser 4 plus[?] but are dead now.
so I have a bit of experience with printers.

On 06/24/2013 12:07 PM, Fred James wrote:
Mageia 3, KDE4, LibraOffice Version (Build ID:
HP Laserjet 4m plus >9 MB memory

Error message:  PC Load DL
    where PC = Paper Cassette
    where DL = paper size (approx. 1/3 of A4 sheet)

Printer paper is US Letter
Printer installed on Mageia 3 as US Letter
Printer in LibraOffice defaults to US Letter for full sheet
Printer in LibraOffice defaults to DL for envelope

Is this normal/expected behavior? Would not we have expected a default envelope size more related to the paper size?

(after inserting an envelope in a text document)
File -> Print -> (select printer) -> Properties -> (Paper size reads: Env DL)

Work around (on a per job basis):
Change paper size -> OK -> OK -> File -> Save (or Save As)

Another work around ... build templates

Any help/hints/suggestions?
Thank you
Fred James
Thank you for your reply. I shall answer your question, but first to clarify the question:

This question is not about workarounds or the mismatch of user interface and locale settings, but rather: Why, if LibreOffice knows the paper is US letter, does inserted envelope default to DL? Wouldn't it be more reasonable to expect a match between paper and envelope size as the default? Or is this not possible/reasonable? By the way, I did not have this issue under Apache OOo under Mageia 2.

A second question, if I may: What do each of the settings control (user interface, and locale)?

Answering your questions:

Memory: not an issue with LibreOffice ... sometime with websites and some PDF's ... Ran OK under Apache OpenOffice, too.
Memory: printer is maxed out.

Envelope: printing fine

Format > Page > Paper - Format > DL envelope? No, I am doing it through File -> Printer Settings Doing it through Format gives a nice result, too, if one remembers to set it to landscape
And either method can be saved/applied to the document

Thanks again
Fred James

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