Hi :)
2 articles of interest covering topics we frequently discuss at length on this 
list.  These articles provide stats and links to reinforce many of the various 
points of view put forwards by many people here (even (or especially?) the ones 
i disagree with).  

75% (approx) of LO's devs are volunteers, around 12% are paid devs from various 
companies, for some weird reason 12% is attributed to OOo.  Apache OO have 
their own sliver.  Of the paid devs 50% are from SuSE.  (note to self to give 
openSuSE a test drive soon).  It would be interesting to see a similar doughnut 
from Apache


only around 12% of the current code is  untouched OOo code!!  Around 1/3rd of 
the cleaner, newer code has been provided by volunteers.  25% by SuSE employees 
and another 25% by RedHat employees.  The remainder provided by an interesting 
list of companies of which i've only heard of Canonical and Apache (err and 
Codeweavers (oh and Intel of course)) but all seem to be 'quite' important.  

Two of the comments at the bottom of Italos post really kinda bug me
They seem to be trying to turn the debate into being about a single side-issue, 
some irrelevant person's personal agenda.  The response that refutes it just 
draws more attention to the single issue.  It would be great if future posts 
just ignored those and made positive statements about LibreOffice and TDF as a 
whole or addressed points raised in the article itself.  Such a positive and 
informative article deserves respect rather than a flame-war!

Actually looking around at many articles about LibreOffice i notice that quite 
a few are sidelined by blatant attempts to start flame-wars or comments that 
make it difficult to post links to the articles in family-friendly 
environments.  If only the comments were at all related to the articles, 
perhaps developing reasoned debate about the issues discussed!  With the 4.0.0 
release i meant to go around and give supportive User Support to people that 
posted question about how to do this or that or fix something.  Mostly i 
planned to just give them links to AskLO, this mailing list and to the wiki or 
documentation on the official site.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Charles-H. Schulz <charles.sch...@documentfoundation.org>
>To: market...@global.libreoffice.org 
>Sent: Monday, 22 July 2013, 9:38
>Subject: [libreoffice-marketing] 2 news clippings of interest
>Today we have Italo's pre-announcement of the 4.1 and a rather personal
>one at that (which I can totally relate to):
>And a TechRepublic article on LibreOffice Base, which is also good:
>Charles-H. Schulz 
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>Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
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