Hi :)
I think the desktop integration packages normally get added around the time 
that beta-testing is over.  It might have happened earlier in some branches, 
such as the 4.0.0 but when beta testing it's fairly normal to find one or 2 
things are not quite finalised.  Normally you just report problem and get on 
with the rest to see if you can find anything else.  Getting bogged down with 1 
issue means you miss the chance to explore the rest.  

Thanks for testing so far though!  Good work.  Good luck with the rest! :)
Thanks and regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: sun shine <phaedr...@gmail.com>
>To: users@global.libreoffice.org 
>Sent: Monday, 22 July 2013, 15:09
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] desktop-integration
>This is a topic I have some interest in and have been following.
>While I am aware of the capacity to run the soffice script from the 
>terminal and even creating a custom launcher for the Gnome, XFCE4 and in 
>Mint, Mate panels, what I am curious about is exactly why doing so is 
>even necessary in the first place?
>This will have been the first time in my experience of using OOo and now 
>LibO that doing this manually is necessary, and it makes me wonder what 
>value the desktop-integration package has if the user still needs to do 
>this customised approach to get the application to work.
>Are you able to shine any light on the matter? Is this an oversight from 
>the 4.1. beta developers, a bug, or - a feature? Similarly, any ideas 
>about why this desktop integration (which doesn't) is only geared for 
>the KDE and not for Gnome (and Gnome-like) DEs?
>Thanks for any insights you can share.
>On 21/07/13 20:47, Girvin R. Herr wrote:
>> Heinrich,
>> Have you tried bringing LibreOffice up with "soffice" in a terminal 
>> shell, or unambiguously, "/opt/libreoffice4.1/program/soffice" (less 
>> quotes, of course)?
>> If that works, then you could manually add a link in your menu or at 
>> least an icon on your desktop.
>> soffice is the main libreoffice program or, more accurately, script, 
>> that invokes the other programs (Writer, Calc, etc.). If that program 
>> is not run first, then the others may not be initialized properly to run.
>> You could also run writer, calc, etc. from a terminal and see what 
>> messages are output from it. They may give you a clue as to why it 
>> isn't running properly. But my bet is on soffice.
>> FYI: "soffice" is a legacy name from the StarOffice days. Maybe some 
>> day the devs will get around to changing that - unless it would break 
>> something.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Girvin Herr
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