Hi :)
Thanks!! :)   Ok, i'll just junk it as spam then.  The "Reply to" address 
wasn't anyhting like @itworld.com or anything sensible like that.

Thanks for hunting around for me!
Thanks and regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Andrew Brown <andre...@icon.co.za>
>To: Tom Davies <tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk> 
>Cc: Users@Global.LibreOffice.Org 
>Sent: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 10:16
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] IT World
>Hi Tom
>I spent quite a bit of time on the official IT Web site and could find 
>no reference to the article you mention. I would consider this as spam. 
>Not use which email app you use but if it's Thunderbird, you can hover 
>you mouse over any links supplied in the email to see where they 
>actually return to, look at the bottom left of Thunderbird. If it does 
>not show http://www.itworld.com...... I would then become very suspicious.
>Also you can expand the headers to see further where this mail 
>originated, and where it "phones home" i.e. return to server/s by going 
>to your compact header (divider between mail pane and message pane), 
>click on far right hand gear cog icon "Other actions - headers - all" 
>and scroll down in this more revealing bar to see what is hidden by default.
>Remember to return your headers to "normal" otherwise every subsequent 
>email will be sent out with all headers exposed in the email, generally 
>loking like garbage.
>Andrew Brown
>On 30/07/2013 10:39 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> I have just had an email that looks like spam.  It's allegedly a survey 
>> being done by IT World.  So, if it is not spam then it is going to be used 
>> in some article to say things like 99% of people prefer something bloated 
>> and old and only 1% like something shiny and new.  I thought we did a good 
>> job with the About.Com survey.  We had just enough people to make it clear 
>> that LibreOffice does have a bigger fan-base than other competitors without 
>> going completely overboard with it.
>> So, any suggestions on finding out if this survey is legit or spam would be 
>> great
>> Regards from
>> Tom :)
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