Hi :)
To put it as simply as possible ...  

A new branch starts off full of new stuff and some of that new stuff might 
cause unexpected problems on some machines.  There is no way around it.  It's 
not possible to test a new program on all possible combinations of hardware, 
OSes, programs and configurations.  During alpha and beta testing the new 
release is tested on as many systems as reasonably possible.  More people could 
help with that by running pre-release versions early on and reporting back any 
issues.  I try to but never seem to have the time and never really try out many 
different features anyway.  So, the 


gets released and people start using it and reporting back some of the issues 
they find with it.  Some of those along with "known issues" and even obscure 
issues get fixed.  Instead of doing little updates every couple of days, like 
some programs do, these all get wrapped up into the next release, the 

rinse and repeat to get the 

and again for the 

At this point most people say the branch is about as stable as possible so it 
starts being called stable branch.  However nothing new has been added for some 
time and some people have lots of exciting new ideas or have been working on 
something for years and finally got it working, others have been getting bored 
and started looking at other projects to get involved with to do more exciting 
things there.  So, while a lot of the devs stick with bug-fixes there are also 
a lot that move to an even newer branch.  So we have

x.x.4  = now called stable branch although earlier release in the same branch 
are not any more stable than they were before

x.y.0  = newer branch

then both branches develop alongside each other for a while giving us

x.x.5 = stable

x.y.1 = new(ish)

and then 

x.x.6 = very stable

x.y.2 = getting there

for the 1st time ever we ended up getting 

x.x.7 = very stable
x.y.3 = stable

x.z.0 = new branch

all at the same time.  Normally we don't bother with the .7 but the end of the 
3.blah.blah was a bit momentous.  ( 3 has been around for years and years and 
moving to the 4 meant some significant changes.  I hadn't realised about the 
desktop-integration being pulled in and probably missed all the other changes 
too.  I was more concerned about java&accessibility issues but i think Stuart 
informed us that the newer java-access-bridge does now work with the newer LO 
releases.  So people don't need to stick with the 3.6.x branch to get their 
screen-readers working. )

Of course that is a bit simplistic.  The x.y.0 includes all the fixes that go 
into the x.x.4(ish) and maybe more as well.  However because of all the new 
stuff it might also suffer (or benefit from) regressions, some old problem 
might re-emerge, some new issues might arise.  "You can't make an omelette 
without breaking eggs".  Also the x.z.0 might introduce some "killer feature" 
that you just can't do without.  It's often better to start with a x.z.0 
release because if you do find flaws and post bug-reports it catches the most 
devs attention and it's the point where the least number of users are posting 
bug-reports.  You are something like >25% more likely to get your pet-peeves 
dealt with at that time than at any other time or for any other release.  

So, the 3.6.7 is extremely stable.  The 4.0.3 and now the 4.0.4 'should be' 
plenty stable enough that hardly anyone has problems.  I gather the 4.0.3 was a 
bit of a let down but the 4.0.4 made up for that.  We 'should' initially try 
the 4.1.0 on our own machines but roll out the 4.0.4 (or wait for the 4.0.5) 
for machines that need to be stable.  Of course of the 4.1.0 has no problems in 
your environment then roll that one out.  It should be stable enough for almost 
every set-up even though stability is not it's main aim.  

Regards from 

Tom :)  

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