2014/1/7 piergio <pierpi...@gmail.com>

> Hi all
> I'm trying to open (or import in a calc file) a csv file (ubuntu 13.10 -
> libre office).
> I have this error:
> "I dati non sono stati caricati interamente perché è stato superato il
> numero massimo di caratteri per cella."
> (Data have not been loaded completely because you exceeded the maximum
> number of characters per cell)
> With MS Office the file works.
> Do you have any suggestions to understrand and fix the problem/error?
For the "understanding" part, the message seem pretty clear: you have one
cell that is too long for Libreoffice to handle.​​

I'm not sure about the limit itself, but trying today with LO,
between 4096 and 8192 it started showing blank cell (while retaining the
content when editing), but still can save and load as a CSV file.

Either you're really trying to load a file with a cell containing more than
16384 characters (it still works with such a large content), or there was
an error while loading your file that made LO think that one cell is larger
than it is. If your file doesn't contain sensitive informations you could
try uploading it somewhere and put the link here so peoples might try
opening it. Otherwise, you can try editing the CSV file by hand (with
notepad or something), remove half the file, try to load, etc. until you
can pinpoint which part leads to the error.

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