I am
      not looking to add "interactive features" to LibreOffice, but
      simply to adjust some of the default settings on a "system wide"
      level.If I could bundle these as an extension that would be just
      fine to deploy.I could even have the .xml file (I would guess an
      .xcu?) of "my" unique settings static, and the extension would
      just put it in place and update whatever needs modifying to point
      to it?I think I am making some progress as I found this 
link:https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Non-code_extensionsIn that link is this 
          support in the Configuration Manager

The Configuration Manager has a similar ability as the UNO
        Service Manager, it can scan a set of folders for data and puts
        them all together. The list of folders is extendable itself
        (through configmanager.ini) so that the Config Manager can get
        additional "layers". It even has the ability to use other
        backends than the file system for additional layers but I leave
        this out here.

The configuration data is arranged in a tree structure, data
        can be filled into this structure in every layer. The
        Configuration Manager scans the layers (folders) in a way that
        the data in "higher" layers either replaces or extends the data
        in "lower" layers, pretty much like the Windows registry does.
        Whether data is replaced or extended depends on the type of the
        data and is explained in the discussion of theconfiguration
          schema for our path settings.

By default OpenOffice.org has two layers you already know:
        "share" and "user". The former contains preinstalled data, the
        latter takes all settings a particular users created by himself.
        Configuration files in OOo extensions create two new layers,
        "share/uno_packages" and "user/uno_packages". They lie in
        between the default layers, in the obvious order of priority
        "share" - "share/uno_packages" - "user/uno_packages" - "user".

So an extension can extend or change the OpenOffice.org
        configuration by providing xcu files that overwrite or extend
        (merge) configuration settings of OpenOffice.org. It can also
        have its own configuration settings if it provides schema (xcs)
        files for them.

There is another (pretty obvious) use case for the layering
        concept of the Configuration Manager: overwriting the
        preinstalled OpenOffice.org configuration settings on the "all
        users" level. An administrator can customize the OpenOffice.org
        installation in his own account, take the created xcu files
        containing these customizations and bundle them in an extension
        that he installs with "unopkg add --shared" each time he
        installs, reinstalls or updates OpenOffice.org. No need to edit
        the xcu files in "share/registry" by hand!File:Configuration.oxtis
        an example for such configuration file. It sets "Load printer
        settings with the document" (found in Tools-Options-Load/Save)
        to "false". It contains a Common.xcu file with just this
        setting. It's important that this Common.xcu file is referenced
        in the manifest.xml.

The layering concept of the service registry and the
        configuration are the basic principles that create the power of
        OOo extensions.
So, I have downloaded the sample "Configuration.oxt" and will see if
    I am able to move toward creating my own .oxt.Also for others that may be 
curious is this 
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