2014-02-28 2:16 GMT+01:00 Cley Faye <cleyf...@gmail.com>:

> As a "proof of concept", I put together a java program that take an odt
> file as input. You can then set the "requested" DPI and jpeg quality, and
> save. At this point, every pictures that are larger than needed (that's why
> we need DPI) are resized, and all pictures are compressed using either jpg
> or png, whichever gives the smalles size. Something as simple as that
> already have issues, like when there's transparency involved.
>  Also, it's only tested on a few files (including
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/images/9/96/WG40-WriterGuideLO.odtfor 
> funsies).
> If anyone want to give it a try here's the jar. It's highly unlikely to
> corrupt your source file (the source file is never ever written), but
> there's also no guarantee that the output will work ;)
> <http://cleyfaye.net/share/odtcompress.jar>
> For example, on the writer guide linked before, it goes from 13MB to 9MB
> with default settings. Of course it's not the best example: all pictures
> are already reasonably sized, and it's mostly screenshots so the quality
> drop is very noticeable...
> Anyway, if anyone want to look at the source code (without reversing the
> jar :D) I'll provide them. But know that it's mostly an ugly hack just to
> see how well it would work :)

​For the curious ones, I put this "tool" on github (binary & source) :

This kind of tool is particularly useful if you're working with high-res
images, but intend to produce output at lower res. This way, you can keep
your original, and generate a file with images adequate for printing at
150dpi, another adapted to 90dpi, etc...

​As said, it should not damage anything; the worst outcome​ possible is the
output file being incorrect, so as long as you don't choose to save over an
existing file, you should be safe to try. If there is a high demand I might
keep on improving the code... :-) maybe also expand it with more tools,
like basic recovery of damaged files, things like that.

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