Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
There's an even easier way!  Sorry this is probably too late! :(

1.  Open both files but get into the one you want to copy from
2.  Right-click on the tab at the bottom of the work-sheet
3.  Choose "Move or Copy worksheet"
4. in the dialogue choose "copy" and use the drop-down to select the other file.

I suspect you can do multiple worksheets/tabs at a time.

Of course another way is to simply copy the entire file and then you have all the tabs/worksheets in the new file. Maybe need to add or delete a couple.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 2 January 2015 at 01:35, Fred James < <>> wrote:

    OS: Mageia 4, 64bit (if that makes a difference?)

    I have two separate ODS files:  2014 and 2015

    I want to copy a sheet (the entire sheet) from 2014 to 2015.

    Is this possible, and if so, what is the recommended method?

    Actually, there are a few sheets I want to copy from 2014 to 2015,
    but one at a time.

    Thank you
    Fred James

    Sorry ... silly me ... the answer is too easy ...
            1) go to file to copy from
            2) go to the sheet to copy
            3) Edit -> Select All
            4) go to file to paste into
            5) go to (or make) sheet to paste into
            6) select cell A1
            7) Edit -> Paste Special

    Fred James

Tom Davies
Thank you for your reply and your solution ... I shall put that in my notes for the future, as I do this same operation periodically ... but too far apart to trust memory.

My original approach was to just copy the whole file and modify as needed ... the problem I have with that is that I do the file copy a few weeks early (for example early in December for a new file that begins in January) ... reason: some December activity actually needs to be recorded in January as well. That leaves me with certain sheets that will need a lot of updating, and just replacing them is so much simpler ... your mileage may vary, of course.

Either copy solution (the one I stumbled upon, or the one suggested by Tom) will do what I need quite nicely ... in the case of Tom's solution, I will have to delete an older sheet in the new file, after copying in the newest version (I have tested it), but that shouldn't be a show stopper, eh? The copy process does not allow duplicate names (or overwriting), and so appends a "_2" (for example) to the name of the newly inserted sheet.

Thanks again for your help
Fred James

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