2015-02-16 13:22 GMT+01:00 Tom Davies <tomc...@gmail.com>:

> Hi :)
> Congrats!!  Nicely done! :)
> Yeh, that surprised me too.  I had assumed it would work the same way as
> the Windows installer 'should' do.
> Congrats and regards from
> Tom :)
> On 16 February 2015 at 12:17, M Henri Day <mhenri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2015-02-16 12:48 GMT+01:00 M Henri Day <mhenri...@gmail.com>:
>>> 2015-02-16 11:57 GMT+01:00 Tom Davies <tomc...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi :)
>>>> On Ubuntu i have to install Base separately.  I'm not sure what
>>>> happened when i installed the official one from the LibreOffice website.
>>>> Can't quite remember that far back tbh.  When i use a package-manager to
>>>> isntall the default one in the repos i can select all sorts of components
>>>> and maybe Extensions and stuff.  I thought it was the same for all Linux,
>>>> especially for 'Ubuntu clones'?  (although i think it's been a loooong time
>>>> since Mint could be claimed to be that)
>>>> I thought the Windows version had pretty much everything all in one
>>>> package (and the the help files in a separate bundle)?  Then the Linux, Bsd
>>>> and Mac version allowed a bit more finesse?
>>>> I still don't know where to get Base from as i was fairly convinced it
>>>> was included in the main Windows install automatically.
>>>> Regards from
>>>> Tom :)
>>> ​As you know, Tom, Linux Mint is a fork of Ubuntu, so generally
>>> speaking, that which applies to the latter applies, *ceteribus paribus​*,
>>> to the former. Could you tell me just *how* you managed to install Base
>>> on Ubuntu ?...
>>> Henri
>> ​Tom, I just took a chance and performed a search for LibreOffice in the
>> Linux Mint Program Manager​
>> ​. To my joy, I found that it was possible to install individual LO
>> programmes, including libreoffice-base via this service. Said and done ; I
>> installed it and Base now launches as it should with a simple click in the
>> LibreOffice window. Hallelujah !...
>> Henri
>>> On 15 February 2015 at 12:03, M Henri Day <mhenri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> 2015-02-15 2:21 GMT+01:00 pranzar <davek...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> > Hello, thanks for the help.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I have Java 8 installed and it's being detected in Tools-Options as
>>>>> you
>>>>> > indicated.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I tried launching it directly (not via the startup screen) and there
>>>>> > doesn't
>>>>> > appear to be any executable for it - only scalc.exe and swriter.exe
>>>>> >
>>>>> > It seems that Base, Impress, Draw and Math are not installed with
>>>>> the main
>>>>> > installer? Do I need to get them from somewhere else?
>>>>> >
>>>>> ​In LO ​
>>>>> ​on my (64-bit) Linux Mint 17.1 machine, I can open Writer, Calc,
>>>>> Impress,
>>>>> Draw, and Math with no problem, but klicking on Base does nothing at
>>>>> all ;
>>>>> the service simply doesn't launch. On my (64-bit) Windows 8.1 machine,
>>>>> however, Base launches just as it should. How can I get it to do so on
>>>>> my
>>>>> Linux box, which is the one I generally use ?...
>>>>> Henri
​Thanks, Tom ! Now it's incumbent upon us to attempt to help the OP,
pranzar, with his problem. From what I've been able to understand, JRE is
required for certain of the programmes in the LO package to be installed in
Windows. Pranzar tells us that he has a version of Java 8​

​installed ; I wonder if the installed version is the 64 or the 32-bit
version. I have seen claims to the effect that LO - and for that matter OO
- require a 32-bit version of Java to function in Windows ; however, on my
own Windows machine, I currently have a 64-bit Java 8 Update 31 installed
and, as noted previously, all the LO programs work well there. In any event
this is a parameter with which Pranzer might wish to play - if he currently
has a 32-bit version installed he might wish to install a 64-bit version
and *vice versa*....

I wish him the best of luck !


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