I'm working on improving my formatting skills. I'm using a ~10pg
document as my test.

My first problem is to figure out a specific part of styles. I can
format the document to have a heading (specifically heading 2) at the
start of each section. Looks nice. Copied the existing style, made a few
mods, very pleased.

NOW, I want to try to add a number to each section and I'm having
trouble understanding the correct route for this.

I have already gotten:


and it worked fine. Now I want to change the style to be like:

   I John
  II George
 III Paul
  IV Ringo

So, I can't tell if I should be trying to modify the "Heading 2" style
or if I should be trying to add a "List" format to the mix.

I'm looking for suggestions on where I can read about the uses of each
and learn the differences.

Thanks for any suggestion!

  << MCT >> Michael C Tiernan. http://www.linkedin.com/in/mtiernan    
  Non Impediti Ratione Cogatationis
  Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs
   should relax and get used to the idea. -Robert A. Heinlein

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