Am 13.04.2015 um 10:56 schrieb bhaumikdave:
> What ever the wordings are, conveying idea is important. I am not "The
> Expert" but just want to solve the issue using more simpler method rather
> than formulating some creepy scripts. 

Which script? You mean the ordinary, simple spreadsheet formula?

Can you accept that a general solution to the problem of wrongly
imported text data may be slightly more difficult than you think?
The original poster did not provide any technical information to his
particular problem and he did not respond to anybody. Therefore I
suggested a one-method-fits-all solution which involves a maximum of 6
simple steps:

1. adjust the locale setting if necessary
2. paste and adjust my spreadsheet formula into a cell
3. copy the formula down the column (double-click the cell handle)
4. paste-special resulting numbers over the wrong data
5. If 1. then switch back to your preferred locale
6. format to your liking

This will convert text dates as well as wrong dates (switched month and
day) in one go and won't take more than 30 seconds.

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