On 14.05.2015 13:37 , Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 14.05.2015 um 19:18 schrieb Brad Rogers:

>Unless I've misunderstood what bunk3m wrote, that resulted in a General
>I/O error.
Ooops. Then LibreOffice can not open that file because the file is not a
pagemaker file, a corrupted pagemaker file or an unsupported pagemaker file.

Try http://www.zamzar.com  or find some machine with pagemaker up and
running and let it export your files to whatever suitable.

Thank you everyone for suggestions. I apologize for the delay in testing and replying.

I tried www.zamzar.com but Pagemaker 6.5 files can't be converted using this service. I am pretty sure this was close to the last version available on the Mac platform.

Where do I find the documentation of which versions of Pagemaker should work with LO? I don't remember reading which versions were designed to work in the docs but it quite likely that I didn't find the right URL.

Since these files are quite old, it is possible that the files are corrupted. I've had them inside a zip archive and tried new unarchived versions with the same result.

I did receive an email from someone regarding submitting the file for bug testing. I seem to have misplaced that email so would you mind sending me the link again? Thanks and apologies.


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