On 06/15/2015 07:45 AM, Richard Brown wrote:

> have a form that will insert a payment every four weeks or monthly by date.
> Is this possible to do please?

As a spreadsheet?

If you are willing to write the appropriate macros, then yes.

As a database, using the spreadsheet as an interface?

Yes, but you'll still need to write the code to that task. It is much
simpler to write a python script that does that, than write the macro
for the spreadsheet.

This is yet another time when I really wish that LibO had SQLite as a
built in database engine. (Pity one can't just write SQLite as an
extension, and have it work properly.)

Nonetheless, your best option is to use a FLOSS accounting program.
GnuCash, SMBLedger, etc.

On 06/15/2015 11:33 AM, Andreas Säger wrote:

> No IT professional would ever consider this as a valid solution.

Whilst that is true, that doesn't negate the fact that most corporate
databases started out as spreadsheets created by the user.


I've seen a couple of Excel spreadsheets that were 100 MB in size,
before the user started populating them with data. Slower than molasses,
but the only program that those users knew, was Excel.


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