On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 7:53 AM, Philip Jackson <philip.jack...@nordnet.fr>

> When I dropped Windows for linux about 18 months' ago, I moved to
> LibreOffice and saw that LO Writer had inherited the same bug
> from OO.
> My case involved a standard size European envelope to suit A4 paper
> folded into a third (two folds on the long side) - approx 22cm x 11cm.
> IIRC, this is the DL envelope in LO and OO.
> LibreOffice (and OO) give in this case an unwanted 2" top margin. Your
> workaround to correct paper size, adjust top margin, shift the text
> boxes, is too much hassle if you've lots of envelopes to do.

Yes, that workaround is too much if envelopes are routinely being printed.
I did the same thing, create a template for #10 envelopes, when I was on LO
3.x. Even though I wasn't making lots of envelopes I seem to recall it was
even harder to get a properly printed envelope than the steps provided in
my response. Creating a template was the only way to consistently get a
properly printed envelope.

Since I've been on LO 5 I've only printed #10 envelopes using the menu
features (didn't bring the template forward to the new installation) and
haven't encountered any bug. I was surprised to see it rear its head when I
did the testing to reply to Bill's message. Since it's happening to you on
a different size perhaps the bug is a component of the envelope size or
maybe the printer setting or a combination.

Regardless, yes it is a very frustrating bug to deal with If I was a
programmer I certainly would try and resolve that one. But I'm not. So
can't do more than identify, develop workarounds, and hope for it to go

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