On 03/10/2016 09:32 PM, Marc Grober wrote:
Aha - you nailed it on the head.  The person who built the document used
an internal file:// refernce, nd the inaccurate message popped up. When
I added a second link with the correct web URL it worked fine (though
strangely enough I could find no menu choice to allow editing the URL
that was previously there!)

The presented error message should become less misleading in LO 5.2 with <https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=83de4879c3cd416c423dd147be6511a1d074c8c9> "Improve error message when URL cannot be opened externally".

Editing an existing hyperlink works via "Insert - Hyperlink" when you have the hyperlink selected (which is often easier to do with the keyboard than with the mouse, <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98575> "Impress: Hard to select a hyperlink with the mouse").

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