Felipe -

The hidden text being discussed here is described at https://help.libreoffice.org/Writer/Hiding_Text
That doesn't seem to be what you're talking about?

- Robert

On Thu, 5 May 2016, Felipe T. Dorado wrote:

Hello Luuk  : )

On Thu, 5 May 2016 13:18:23 +0200, Luuk wrote:

L> On 05-05-16 11:12, Piet van Oostrum wrote:

L> > Save as .txt des save all text, including hidden text. Just try it out.

I have, Piet.

L> I think i have a different meaning of 'hidden text', than the average L> reader here .... :-)

It would seem so.
Re-inventing the wheel isn't either smart nor efficient:

I wrote a file containing just:

"This an ODT file written in LibreOffice 5.1.

I saved it in LO native format:                         an_odt_file.odt
Then I saved it as text (plain, flat, ascii):           an_odt_file.txt

I listed the directory where I saved them and:

        bytes   date                    file
        8628    may  5 20:07    an_odt_file.odt
            49  may  5 20:07    an_odt_file.txt

I opened the txt file with various text editors (nano, leafpad, gedit,
even notepad through wine) and have not been able to find any "hidden
text" ...  Just 49 bytes including spaces and Line Feed.
What do people understand by "hidden text"? The coding put there
by a word processor?
Saving a file as text is just that: saving it as text  (plain, flat, ascii)
with nothing else.

M$Win seems to produce strange things in how some users conceive files:
macros, scripts, programs, etc. just to strip the good old codes WordStar,
WordPerfect and many others  nowadays simply _hide away_ so the user cannot
see them. But they are there, doing their tasks.

Text is text. Just like this I've just written is text and nothing more.

Felipe  : )

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