At 17:58 07/11/2016 +0200, Pertti Rönnberg wrote:
I have a spreadsheet with two ranges ­ range(1) directly above range(2). r(1) specifies per row every specific purchase/sell event (date, company name, amount, etc). To calculate the actual "to-day"-result for this specific event (row) we need the "to-day"-value for this company's share (in e.g. column X), which value is taken from respective company's row in col.Z in r(2). r(1) has yearly 100-130 rows (events) Range(2) lists each company named in the above Range(1) and has in col.Z the corresponding share's "to-day"-value. These inserted share values varies from one day to the next. There are now 10-15 companies (rows) listed in r(2) -- not in alphabetic order. r(2) sums the up-to-date result per company and the total result. Problem The below example simplified to 5 events concerning 3 companies may clarify the problem with the formula in X1 copied down col.X: =if(B1=$B$20;$Z$20;if(B1=$B$21;$Z$21;(ifB1=$B$22;$Z$22;0))) As you can see: with 15 (or more) companies (and >100 events) the formula will grow and become very long and sensitive for mistakes. VLOOKUP does not seem to be an option, at least it requires a completely new setup of the page.

Range(1) - events
A       B C….                 X
1.     nokia                       5,o
2.     kone                     41,o
3.     nokia                       5,o
4.     fiskars                         12,o
5.     kone                        41,o

Range(2) - companies
A         B C...         Z
20     nokia               5,o
21     fiskars               12,o
22     kone             41,o

Sorry, but why do you think that VLOOKUP() is not an option? As has already been suggested, it is exactly what you need. Are you perhaps concerned that column Z in your company table is so far away from column B? That does not matter. For the formulae in column X of your events table, you retrieve the required value from the company table using VLOOKUP(). Its first parameter is the company name in the events table, Bn or whatever. The second parameter is the range that contains the company names and values, so B$20:Z$22 (if you see what I mean). The third parameter is the column in that range containing the required value; if the range really does span columns B to Z, that will be 25. The fourth parameter should be FALSE (or zero), to indicate that the company names in column B of the company table are not sorted.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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