
I am not sure how or why this is affecting your formulas, but the period "." character is a meaningful character to Calc. It is used in sheet references, as in:


Where "Projects" is the sheet name and "D2" is the cell reference in that sheet.

Something may be confusing Calc, although I agree, it shouldn't be doing that and I do not know the remedy to prevent it from evaluating 1.5 as sheet 1, cell 5, which also sounds strange. Maybe that is why you are getting the errors. Calc expects a column letter before the 5 and it isn't there. There must be some way to force Calc to assume the formula's cell is numeric and not a cell reference. Maybe someone else has the solution. Good luck.


Girvin Herr

On 07/29/2017 12:57 PM, bunk3m wrote:
Hello Regina and Jorge,

Thank you for your help and suggestions. I apologize for the delay as I didn't get the emails until I received the daily digest this afternoon. I have quoted both your posts in order to keep them together but this post is getting rather long.

I have tried your suggestions and I'm still unable to get a basic decimal calculation to work.

But now I am getting "#NAME?" for the cell containing "=1+1.5".

Interestingly enough, if I put "=1+20" it does give me "21" as an answer.

What it doesn't like about the decimal place I don't understand. This is very strange.

I tried using a comma "," instead as a decimal separator but that didn't work either.

Perhaps I should delete all the preferences and all the extensions in the Application Support folder?? Then I would have a "new" install?

Thanks again and regards,

On 29.07.2017 06:00, wrote:

bunk3m schrieb:
Thank you Jorge.

I have checked this. The Mac settings are OK. It works with Excel fine
and Apple Numbers.  Mac settings are to show decimal as "."

I have some LO Calc sheets that were created a few years ago that are
OK.  It seems to be some change in the last few versions??

Would you know if there are any override settings in the LO Preferences?
 I can't find it if it exists.

There exists the setting in Tools > Options > Language Settings > Languages, where you can determine the decimal separator key.

In addition there is a setting "Ignore system input language", but I don't know, what effect it has.

Another setting is in the cell properties in Format > Cells. On the tab "Numbers" you find top right a "Language" drop-down list. You can determine the language for numbers independent from UI. Do not use the "Default - xyz" but select the correct language explicitly.

That the places I know, which might influence it.

Kind regards

On 29.07.2017 06:00, wrote:
Hi again:

        I suggest to do this in the Language-Language settings:

        *User Interface: Select English US

        *Locale Settings: English (Canada)

        *Decimal Separator Key: uncheck

        *Default Currency: Default CAD (English or French)

        *Default Language for Documents: A English Canada or French

        *Ignore system input language: check

I did this in my LO, and restart LO, and then LO accept " . " as decimal separator key

I hope this help,

Jorge Rodríguez

El 28/07/2017 a las 18:14, jorge Rodríguez escribió:

In LO Preference (Menu-Tools-Options-Language settings), you can find some ways to customize your settings.

    I hope this help,

Jorge Rodríguez

El 28/07/2017 a las 16:11, bunk3m escribió:
Thank you Jorge.

I have checked this. The Mac settings are OK. It works with Excel fine and Apple Numbers. Mac settings are to show decimal as "."

I have some LO Calc sheets that were created a few years ago that are OK. It seems to be some change in the last few versions??

Would you know if there are any override settings in the LO Preferences? I can't find it if it exists.

Thanks again.

On 28.07.2017 17:46, jorge Rodríguez wrote:
Hi :

I don't have a Mac, I use GNU / Linux Ubuntu...but usually that kind of issues are define with the Operative System. Try to find how is it define it in you Mac. Probably is as " , " and you have to change to " . " as you use it in Canada.


Jorge Rodríguez

El 28/07/2017 a las 14:50, bunk3m escribió:
I'm having a struggle with Calc. I trying to migrate over from Excel but have a problem.

When I type [=1+1.5] into a cell, I get "Invalid Name" error. If I save the file as an xlsx and open in Excel it calculates OK and give 2.5. If I then open the xlsx in LO, it still says "Invalid Name".

If I put [=1+1,5], I get ERR: 509. This makes sense since I'm in Canada and we use "." to separate decimals.

If I put [=1+1] LO correctly calculates "2" with no error.

I have older LO spreadsheets that calculate OK. Every new CALC spreadsheet has this problem.

I'm not sure how to figure out why I get this error and why LO won't calculate such a basic equation.

What should I be looking at?

Mac OSX 10.10.5
LO 5.3.4 & 5.4

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