At 13:18 19/08/2017 +0200, Dennis Heuer wrote:
On Sat, 19 Aug 2017 06:16:10 +0100 Brian Barker <> wrote:
At 16:21 18/08/2017 +0200, Dennis Heuer wrote:
I seek for a way to mark a text block (including indentations, images and what is in there) and turn it into a cross reference - without it getting substituted with a link name or a page number or
the like.

I think you just need not a cross-reference but a hyperlink. You will see that a hyperlink can be to a different part of the same document or another document, not just to a web address. You can link to tables, frames, graphics, OLE objects, sections, headings, or bookmarks.

The hyperlink dialog expects a name for the hyperlink that substitutes the original text block. How can I do it different?

Try not giving it a name.

Brian Barker

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