On 16.09.2017 05:03, gordon cooper wrote:
Hi Regina,
                 Vielen danke, the Tools>Outline-numbering has solved part of
the heading/TOC problem.

I wonder if you can help with the second part.  If I simply copy and
paste the .odt section files to assemble the final document,
making a TOC is easy.  But, If I try to make an .odm master, following
the instructions in LO Help, a master is created with correct formatting etc.,
but it is all read-only and will not allow access to make a TOC.

Odm files are read only and you can not edit linked documents within master.

Go back to navigator and place 'Text' item to desired position and that's the only part of master document you can edit. Place your cursor there and insert table of contents.


Have tried changing the Edit Mode using Ctrl+Shift+M but this closes the file, and on re-opening it, any attempt to edit brings a pop-up saying that access
is denied.

A comment.  This is my first serious attempt to build a User Manual in LO, we have been working  in Lyx previously. Find this to be a bit like learning
another language.


P.S. Remy, have just received your suggestions. Many thanks

On 15/09/17 22:15, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi Gordon,

gordon cooper schrieb:
Currently working here in Libre office

In assembling a set of  .odt  files from two different sources to make a
user manual,
am finding that the title of some files - which is Styled Heading 1 - is
not being recognised
by the Navigator and therefore does not appear in a TOC.  If the style
is changed
to Heading 2 , the Navigator  sees it and the TOC shows the title Have
tried deleting
the title and retyping it and setting style to Heading 1 but no

The Navigator show paragraphs which are "true" headings and that does not depend on the name of the style. Instead go to Tools > Outline numbering and make sure that for "Level 1" the style "Heading 1" is selected.

Files that have been written with LO 5.2  do show Heading 1 in the
navigator, but those
made with 5.3  do not. I could not see anything in the 5.3 release notes
that could
cause this problem.  Am I missing something?

If you ever have tried to use a bullet for that level [which is not possible] such error might appear.

Kind regards

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