
Good job Brian!

On 09/24/2017 03:42 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 05:17 23/09/2017 -0700, John R. Sowden wrote:
A few months ago, I asked about printing envelopes. All I got was explaining how LO does it.

Hold on: you asked on a list concerned with LibreOffice about printing envelopes and you got a reply about how LibreOffice prints envelopes? I have to say that I'm not surprised! Surely you shouldn't expect anything else?

It's worth saying that "printing envelopes" is not really a concept any more than "printing letters to my maiden aunt" or "printing notices for the youth club notice board". An envelope is just a particular variety of paper stock, and you can print on it just as you can print on any other stock. Set your document size and orientation to that of your envelopes and proceed as usual. The only stumbling block may be discovering in which orientation your printer expects envelopes to be loaded (which varies between printers) and how you then ensure that you document is constructed appropriately to match.

Finally someone said LO only prints one envelope for one document, ...

LibreOffice has the facility easily to add to a letter (or other postal document) a single envelope in which to post it. Most letters go in a single envelope. If you don't want that, don't use it. I suspect your respondents were trying to be helpful. And what is this "one document"? You said you wanted to printed envelopes - nothing about documents.

... not 100 envelopes with a custom return address.

Is that what you asked for?

That's easy: construct a document that is the face of your envelope with the custom return address and nothing else. Experiment to confirm orientations as above. Load your envelopes. Print the document, setting "Number of copies" to 100. Job done.

Or do you perhaps mean something else? Do you want to print a hundred envelopes with the same return address but with a hundred different addresses on them - presumably sourced from a database of addresses? If so, you have not mentioned most of that! Most word processors have the facility to do this, and LibreOffice is no exception. The process is called "mail merge" and is covered in Chapter 11 of the Writer Guide "Using Mail Merge - Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and Envelopes" - specifically in the section "Printing envelopes". It's not trivial, but I think it is fairly easy to follow.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

A smile - is a sign of joy.
A hug - is a sign of love.
A laugh - is a sign of happiness.
And a friend like me??
...that's just a sign of good taste!!

Blessings, Joe Conner
Joshua 24:15 "...as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."

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