Je la 23/01/2018 19:48, Robert Großkopf skribis :
Hi Robert,

At least under Ubuntu Gnome this tool is awfully small, unreadable. How to
enlarge it ? I tried using gnome_color chooser (suggested by the French
forum), to no avail.
Could you please explain where to find "base table navigation tool"?
Doens't know what you mean. I have read "base table" and thought it has
to be something for the database of LO. But when I read gnome-color
chooser I couldn't guess, what is "small and unreadable".


Many thanks. Indeed it's related to the window used by the base module to display tables. The left part of the low border of the window shows icons  to go to First, Previous, Next, Last..
These, small, icons are the poblem

À demain !

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