I've been banging away at this problem and I don't think the problem is at the ODBC level but LOs attempts to generate SQL statements correctly.

I don't have the wherewithal to isolate the problem further than to have seen an error in the code (sqllite SQL request string) so I'm trying to simplify an example with a subform but that's about the best I can do at the moment.

Let's get this out of the way:
/*Before anyone states the obvious, the example I'm using is /NOT/ in need of rewriting, it is an example to prove that there's a problem. It is a vastly simplified version of a much larger form I was in the process of building.*/

In short. I simplified the problem so that it is one table that points to another and it's a one-to-many relationship. The example is a computer model pointing to installed models.

The LO SQL generated has a strange reference to a link in it that makes no sense from a SQL point of view.

As far as I can tell the error comes from LO. It is well within reason that the problem is caused by my incorrect design but it seems a stretch at this point.

Here's the SQL statement (reformatted) I got in the trace of the ODBC library call:
  "SystemModels"."SystemModel" AS "SystemModel",
  "SystemModels"."SystemMfg" AS "SystemMfg",
  "SystemModels"."SystemMfgName" AS "SystemMfgName"
  "SystemModels" "SystemModels"
  ( "SystemModels"."SystemModel" =:link_from_SystemModel )

That last line has the problem. :(

I'm going to do some tests to see if it really is my form that is causing it but that seems like a stretch.

Passing this on for general knowledge and in an effort to help others.

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