When using the experimental features in Basic I can declare thing in a more
specific way, for instance:

*Dim SomeSheet As com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheet*
Without the experimental features enabled, I had to write this instead:
*Dim SomeSheet As Object*

Is there a way to find out for sure what type some object is supposed to be?
For instance, if I use Object instead and then look at it with XRay, in the
field just above the big field with all the
properties/methods/services/etc, it says *com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheet*,
so that could be a clue, but it doesn't seem to always be usable.
For instance, when declaring a range, XRay says
*com.sun.star.table.XCellRange*, but declaring it like that won't work.
*com.sun.star.sheet.XSheetCellRange* will. How can I figure this out?

At the moment I'm struggling with a search descriptor. XRay says
*com.sun.star.util.XSearchDescriptor*, but that only throws an error at

In case anyone wonders why I'm not just declaring it as *Object*, the
answer is because I want to learn these experimental features. I'm not
solving some kind of problem with it at the moment, just trying to learn
about it, which is hard since I can't find any examples, since everybody
declare everything as *Object* and *Variant*…

I'm obviously looking at this the completely wrong way. Is anyone able to
point me in the right direction somehow?
I'm not a coder, so pointing me to the source code is meaningless. I
wouldn't understand anything of it, or at least not quickly enough to not
just give up.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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