Johnny Rosenberg <> wrote:

> Den ons 11 dec. 2019 kl 05:51 skrev zed <>:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Using LibreOffice v6.0.7.3 on Linux Mint v19.2 Mate
> >
> > I have a spreadsheeet in Calc which records data of reactions to a
> > particular performer.  It is in the form: It has Columns A - G.
> >
> > A - Name, fformatted as Text (records thre name of the persons doing the
> > reaction) B - No, formatted number general (records number of times this
> > reactors has reacted to the performer) C - First, formatted DD/MM/YY
> > (records the first date the reactor reaacted to this performer) D -
> > Last, formatted DD/MM.YY (records last date reactor reacted to this
> > performer) E  - Days, formatted =NOW()-D3 (records number of days since
> > last reaction) F - Weeks, formatted =E3/7 (records number of weeks since
> > last reaction) G - Months, formatted =F3/4 (records number of months
> > since last reaction. reaction)
> >
> > Is there a formula that I can enter in Column B which will increase
> > incrementally increase the figure by 1, please?
> >
> > Regards from New Zealand on a very warm summer evening.
> >
> > David -- Zed

> I'm not sure I understand what you are asking for here. So in column A,
> there are names, as you said, and in column B there's a number that tells
> you how many times the name in Column A appeared so far? Then I guess the
> following would work: B1: =IF(A1="";"";COUNTIF(A$1:A1;A1)) Click and drag
> the formula downwards. Now, for instance B17 looks like this:
> =IF(A17="";"";COUNTIF(A$1:A17;A17)) The IF is just to not display a zero
> when nothing is entered into the corresponding A line.

Thank you for your quick response.

Unfortunately that didn't work.  That was probably because I didn't explain
myself carefully enough.

Have a look at my answer to Brian Barker, where I try to be clearer in what
I'm trying to achieve.

If there is a solution I will think all my Christmases have come at once! 
But I am resigned to the fact that there probably isn't.

"I have often regretted my speech, never my silence." Xenocrates (396-314

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