James wrote:
I've got a spreadsheet of all my bank transactions and I want to filter them by type and them the results.

Tran Type Amount
1     A   1.5
2     B   2.0
3     A   3.5

I can use Data/More Filters/Standard Filer to get:
Tran Type Amount
1     A   1.5
3     A   3.5

but sum(C1:C3) gives 7.0 (the sum of the unfiltered spreadsheet.

I can copy but filtered rows but that is too easy. :-)
What is the hardest overkill way? :-)
Maybe a template or macro that I can reuse.
I just want to filter them so I can add up the interest I got.
Assuming the above is in columns A, B. and C, and rows 1, 2, 3 and 4 ...
    In Cell D2 place ... =IF(B2="A",C2,0)
    In Cell E2 place ... =IF(B2="B",C2,0)
Drag those down to fill the relevant cells, and SUM those columns.
Hope that helps
Fred James

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