Hello all.

I thought I had gotten the data from a flat file (xlsx) into Base. I was trying to import and create a new database.

My work requires my data to be in the company OneDrive. When I try to open the connected flat file, I get errors that the file location or parameters are not OK. So all the work I did is lost. This is likely a bug but I don't have time to report this at the moment.

Apparently I incorrectly used: "File:Connect to an existing database" as that just appears to connect to the flat file but won't actually create a proper table in Base. While I can understand the use case for just accessing a flat table, I'd like to import not just connect.

There has to be an easy way to import the data without having to manually create a table and then import the csv file. What am I missing?

I'm just trying to get data into Base easily.

LO v6.4.0.3 on Win10 64B.

Thanks in advance.

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