On 7/2/20 2:06 PM, Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
I've been trying to take a formula that calculates the difference between to
dates into years/months/days.

I'll ask if anyone has a macro or formulae that would do almost the same thing but allow it to be expressed further out to include "hours" and "minutes" I'd like to see it if possible.

I have a running log of incidents and it has two sets of columns.

First pair is "Start" and "End" of power event. That calculation would be nice if I could express it as:

### Days, ## Hours, ## Minutes

The second calculation, the one that I've been working on is the difference between the previous "End" and the new "Start" and that I do need to express "[# Year][# Months][## Days][## Hours] ## Minutes" where the values of '0' wouldn't be shown (but that's a luxury right now)

The 'datedif' function would work if it accepted the arguments for smaller measures such as "h"/"m"/"s".

Any suggestions?

  << MCT >> Michael C Tiernan. http://www.linkedin.com/in/mtiernan
  Non Impediti Ratione Cogatationis
  Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs
   should relax and get used to the idea. -Robert A. Heinlein

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