Hi Everyone,

I have just tried again:
Edizione Windows 10 Pro Education
Versione 21H2
Data installazione: ‎21/‎02/‎2022
Build sistema operativo 19044.1682
Esperienza Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4170.0

LibreOffice x86_64 windows
--> correctly detects C:\Program Files\Semeru\jre-

after unistalling it and installing
LibreOffice x86_64 Windows (without and with Local italian help installed) --> doesn't (!) detect C:\Program Files\Semeru\jre-\bin

Have I to file e bug? Can someone confirm the situation before I create the bug?

Have a nice peaceful day,


Il 02.05.2022 17:44 Carlo Strata (tiscali.it) ha scritto:

Hi Everyone,

there are some years that I didn't write to you, but I never stop use
and promote LO! ;-)

Just a little question before the near release of LibreOffice

In Windows environment I used to install the pre-release stable version.

I'm not sure (!) because I have tried only a few times in the Italian
School in which I teach, but both the next and .2 Windows 64 bit builds seem not detect AdoptOpenJdk JRE Windows 64 bit runtime (I used
the ibm-semeru-open-jre_x64_windows_11.0.15_10_openj9-0.32.0.msi).

The seems to detect it correctly, instead.

So, with respect to the release plan time, I prefer asking you if
someone has the same my doubt/suspect (I haven't found some open bugs
about it yet).

Have all a nice evening and make (open) code not war!


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