On 15 Nov 2005, at 02:41, Joshua Slive wrote:

On 11/14/05, William Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hello list,

I'm very sorry to jump straight in here with a question, but here goes:

I've got a fairly normaly thin-and-thick setup with a mod_perl server
in the background. The thin server on 80 is a reverse proxy for the
mod_perl server on 8081, in the usual way. The only quirk is that for
some directories I'm forcing secure access and bypassing the proxy:
those I redirect to the same mod_perl server, but on port 443.

It all works very nicely except for one thing:

* url with query string proxied to the non-secure port on the
mod_perl server works fine
* url with qs redirected to the secure port on the same server
arrives without the query string

There's quite a big stack of handlers on the mod_perl server,
including a TransHandler, so at first I just assumed I was breaking
the input, but I'm really not: I've been able to make sure that the
request really does come in without the query string.

As it happens this application will accept similar input in the
path_info so I can get by for the few cases where the redirect kicks
in. But I thought mod_alias just ignored the query string? please
could someone suggest why they're getting eaten? It's driving me nuts.

There seems to be a rash of people today posting semi-complicated
URL-mapping problems who describe the problem but neglect to show the
configuration they are using or any concrete examples of what is
happening.  This makes solving the problem almost impossible.

I'm sorry. Here's my semi-complicated host configuration:

<VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot /home/foo/public_html
        ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        ServerName www.foo.org
        ServerAlias foo.org

        DirectoryIndex index.shtml index.html index.htm

        ProxyRequests Off
        ProxyPass / http://www.foo.org:8081/
        ProxyPassReverse / http://www.foo.org:8081/
        CacheRoot /home/foo/html_cache
        CacheSize 5000
        CacheGcInterval 1
        CacheMaxExpire 2
        CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
        ProxyReceiveBufferSize 49152
        <Location "/">
                Redirect permanent /admin https://www.foo.org/admin
                # and a few others the same

        CustomLog /home/foo/logs/access_log combined
        ErrorLog /home/foo/logs/error_log

This is 1.3.27 (oops), compiled with suexec, mod_alias, mod_rewrite and mod_include, and iirc nothing else.




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