What headers are returned by error pages and by redirects (e.g. 302
redirect when requesting a directory without a trailing '/')?
What headers are returned by  dynamic responses (proxied or CGI), if
you have any?

It appears to mostly be caused by bots, and on 200 pages like the homepage: - - [10/Sep/2021:10:55:39 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 80189 "-" "Slackbot 1.0 (+" X:"GOFORIT" 4/4115336 704/88978/80189 H:HTTP/1.1 U:/index.php

Notice I've added the X-Frame-Options header to the LogFormat.

Maybe like this, adapting an example from the docs:

Header onsuccess unset X-Frame-Options
Header always set X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"

That fixed it, thanks.

I'm now curious how it's apparently being set by default to include GOFORIT?


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