Can you keep the replies on-list?

Multiviews is just the simplest approach, and there is no such thing as
"everyone does X". It depends.

You can certainly solve a problem in the most convoluted way possible, but
it doesn't mean that it's the correct way.

On Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 5:22 PM Tatsuki Makino <>

> Hello.
> Frank Gingras wrote on 2023/10/17 02:22:
> > That's just multiviews.
> For that matter, do everyone else do multiviews?
> What if we simply name the file b, and then do the following?
> <Files "b">
>  <IfModule php_module>
>   SetHandler php-script
>  </IfModule>
>  <IfModule !php_module>
>   # If it works via CGI as well.
>   SetHandler cgi-script
>  </IfModule>
> </FIles>
> Regards.

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