Randy Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> there are people who don't think it's prudent engineering to break the net
> to get people to do something.  silly things about technical and social
> responsibility now that the net has grown a bit bigger than boys and their
> toys.
> of course there are folk with the opposite opinion.

It isn't obvious to some of us that the net would break. Many of us
have already deployed new record types (not just AAAA or what have
you) in our DNSes and somehow there aren't widespread reports of
random resolvers detonating when they look at our zones.

In fact, I'll note that there are a *lot* of them our there.  You
would imagine with all the mail passing through some of said zones
that such detonations would occur.  By now, I think we would have
gotten extensive field reports about trouble -- even if only in the
form of worried messages from CERT about a new evil way to attack DNS

Indeed, if you guys are right and all this crashes machines left and
right, it is a serious security hole -- one that will probably be
fixed pretty damn fast once it is discovered by The Evil People. If
you can demonstrate the problem, CERT wants to know -- now, I suspect,
before The Evil People find out.


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